Yahoo and Link Building

It seems that everyone analyzes Google and the link preferences, but there are also links that affect search bots that you need to be aware of - this includes Yahoo SLURP. Instead of working by algorithms like Google, SLURP focuses on graphs, which are the gatekeepers, which is their way of analyzing (and getting rid of) link spam, irrelevant pages, unreliable links, and mirror pages that are irrelevant.

Often, what appears as an inadequate outcome from Yahoo reflects the different ways in how the search bot works. SLURP then seems to attach less importance on the cross- site links and even the comment links like Google does. It does attach itself to the importance of high rank page sites that you can link to, which is true of social media and of course, Yahoo sites, but less to backlinks.

The biggest difference between SLURP and other robots is the way in which it indexes your text, rather than just concentrating on the first few paragraphs. Another unique aspect of SLURP is that it indexes "dynamic pages" - this means all of your.PHP files are crawled. It is an active bunny, always looking for material on your site at least two times a week, if it likes what it sees.

Of course, it is vital that you know and understand your server logs, because this allows you to see how often SLURP will crawl your sites. If you do not see it, then you must make your sites more attractive. One way to do this is via your links. After SLURP helps itself to your content and Metatags, it will then feast on all those links.

What links does it like the most?

It likes the links that are favorite sites or directories. So therefore, submitting to Yahoo! directories makes very good sense. Also, make sure that every page has links, the more SLURP becomes involved with the site's pages; the better your ranking will be with Yahoo.

If you want to quickly see your backlinks on Yahoo, use the "link:command" and "linkdomain:command" which are search operators. These operators are one way you can be included in the Boolean search just like the commands "And" "Not" and "or", and then it will show you pages that are linked from or to your domain.

A syntax example of how you would display is:

However, Yahoo and SLURP are about what they see as people-friendly content. They have a tightrope that you must walk to provide natural and relevant content, while you make sure your keywords are contained and not forced in links and titles.

Unless you are really comfortable with the code and analysis, if you try to optimize all of your pages for every search bot out there you are mixing a recipe for a huge disaster. The best way to deal with Yahoo since they are a bit different is to understand how it works and focus on important content rather than trying to be clever.

When it comes to SLURP, try to stick with natural ways to please, by creating your presence with anchor text and urls on your website on Yahoo! Answers. You can link your site there. Make sure you are not forcing links or keywords on your site and provide enthusiastic answers. Remember, the site is going to be policed by the members to report anything that appears spammy.

Lastly, you can link your Yahoo! Answer, to other social media sites, such as Twitter, Digg, and StumbleUpon.

Ready to get re-acquainted with link building? Download your free copy of Discover The Power of Back Links today to learn the new basics.